Saturday, April 2, 2011

201000955, Hannah Kim, 5th week assignment

Unfortunately, my writing this week is so weak. I tried to well organaze for almost 4 days, but I ended up writing such a short, bad essay.

The flow is terrible and the paragraphs are not nicely divided......

In addition, it does not consist of 5 paragraphs. Sorry....


201000955 Hannah Kim


The process of breathing- our respiratory system


             Respiration means breathing. Therefore, respiratory system is the process how we breathe. In our body, a certain group of organs takes charge of this process of respiration- the respiratory system. This group is composed of mouth, nose, the larynx, the trachea, bronchi and lungs.


             To take a close look at the process of our respiratory system, the first work takes place at our nose and mouth. We breathe in oxygen with our nose and mouth and it goes down to the larynx- the voice box. The oxygen keeps going down to trachea and bronchi. To explain the terms, trachea is a windpipe and bronchi are tissues connected to the lungs that look like branches. Here, in larynx, trachea and bronchi, there are fine hairs called cilia and these protect us from harmful germs and pollutants. Cilia capture these harmful factors and make them go out of our body by coughing or sneezing.


Finally, the oxygen enters the lungs. Here, through our blood vessels, this oxygen is carried with blood to every part of our body. This blood then comes back to our lung carrying all the wastes and carbon dioxide from the organs where it went with the oxygen. As the next process, these are emitted outside of our body by breathing out. This process, obtaining oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide in our lungs are actually, happening almost at the same time. This phenomenon takes place at the Alveoli, which are very small air sacs rounded by capillaries- fine blood vessels. Alveoli absorb oxygen while giving off wastes and carbon dioxide.


             This is how our respiratory system works. The respiratory system is, of course, vital because it is what makes it possible for us to be alive. Because it happens in a very short time, we tend to think that respiration is such a simple process. However, this has to go through many complex processes as you can see here.



  1. Well, you wrote that your writing is short, weak, and terribly organized, but I think it wasn't that bad actually!

    You chose somewhat difficult topic and you explained simply which was not that bad at all.
    I think if you research some other information to use in your writing, you could write 5 paragraph essay easily !

    So don't give up! ^^

  2. Hannah Kim - RewriteApril 9, 2011 at 7:43 PM

    201000955 Hannah Kim

    The process of breathing- our respiratory system

    When we hear the word respiration, it is not so familiar. However, it is the process so-called breathing. Therefore, respiratory system is our body system taking charge of the way we breathe. In our body, a certain group of organs are dealing with this process of respiration- the respiratory system. This group is composed of mouth, nose, the larynx, the trachea, bronchi and lungs and each part does certain role in breathing.

    To take a close look at the process of our respiratory system, the first work takes place at our nose and mouth. We breathe in oxygen with our nose and mouth and it goes down to the larynx- the voice box. The oxygen keeps going down to trachea and bronchi. To explain the terms, trachea is a windpipe and bronchi are tissues connected to the lungs that look like branches. Here, in larynx, trachea and bronchi, there are fine hairs called cilia and these protect us from harmful germs and pollutants. Cilia capture these harmful factors and make them go out of our body by coughing or sneezing. Therefore, here we can find the reason why doctors suggest us not to breathe with our mouth. Because there are no tools that can filter pollutants-cilia, harmful factors can get into our body and cause respiratory diseases.

  3. Hannah Kim- second partApril 9, 2011 at 7:44 PM

    Finally, the oxygen enters the lungs. Here, through our blood vessels, this oxygen is carried with blood to every part of our body. Oxygen carried with blood is vital because this is how the organs get energy to work to be alive- it is an energy source. Without this energy source, organs can survive only less than few minutes. In turn, as a waste, body organs produce carbon dioxide.

    Then, the blood comes back to our lung carrying all the wastes and carbon dioxide from the organs where it went with the oxygen. As the next process, these are emitted outside of our body by breathing out and they trace the same way the oxygen comes in. This process, obtaining oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide in our lungs are actually, happening almost at the same time. This phenomenon takes place at the Alveoli, which are very small air sacs rounded by capillaries- fine blood vessels. Alveoli absorb oxygen while giving off wastes and carbon dioxide.

    This is how our respiratory system works. Because it happens in a very short time, we tend to think that respiration is such a simple process and many people do not know how this important but instant action takes place. However, this has to go through many complex processes- from mouth and nose where we breathe in oxygen to blood vessels in our lung which carry this oxygen to every part of our body.
