by Ko Yoonjin 200700121
We all know that downloading and sharing music off the Internet, but the temptation to download music or movies is too strong to ignore for me. There is a 'Good Downloader' campaign and actor Ahn Seong-gi and Park Joong-hoon became co-chairman of 'Good Downloader' campaign committee. They teamed up with Korea's popular actors and actresses who promote the campaign against illegal download. I saw some of their CF and I thought to myself that I should become a good downloader from now on. However, I still cannot change my habit because the chances to get free music file is everywhere and so easy. Sincerely, I understand that become a good downloader is the way that it is right. Let's think about this. If you found 1,000 won in the street, what would you do? I'm pretty much sure that most of us will take that money without hesitation. For me, it is same thing with downloading music. I can find free music online really easily, but should I pay for the song still? Buy music online costs about less than 1,000 won. Many of us already know well that downloading free music online is another way of stealing someone else's property, effort, even money. But I cannot move myself to buy the same song when I can listen to the same song for free. So, the point I want to make clear is that until there is no such place which I can download music for free, I will be a good downloader. Problem is that there are tons of sites to share music free and police cannot detect every user who downloaded or shared music for free. This problem cannot be solved because nobody can control the Internet thoroughly. Then, what should we do to make everyone to be good downloaders? What should happen to people who pirate music? I don't think we cannot jail every person who pirated music just like Yoshiro Inoue who was the first to be charged with a crime for downloading music. So there is just only one way left to solve or at least reduce the problem which is to appeal people to be a good downloader. There will be so many of websites to share music for free and we cannot make all them to shut down at once and block other websites to be made. Because we cannot change our Internet environment, we should focus on change people's mind instead.
I'm not so sure about this topic at all and because I'm not a good downloader either, I cannot think of proper way to write this essay. Hope somebody can tell me how to rewrite this!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Difficulties to become a Good Downloader. (200700121)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Week 8, Pg86, Yooran Kim : Helen Keller
Helen Keller 200903992 Yooran Kim What would you do if you had only three days left until you become blind? There was a woman who felt very sorry to hear from her friend that she had nothing left to remember especially after long hours of hiking. The woman could not neither watch nor hear. Her name was Helen Keller who was the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degrees. Also, she was a prolific author who gave us an inspiration about human being as a phenom. Even though Helen Keller was very smart, she could not have done such a wonderful job without her instructor, Anne Sullivan who had lifelong (49 years) relationship with Helen. Anne Sullivan met Helen Keller when Hellen was seven years old. On the first day they met, Anne spelled 'd-o-l-l' with her tip of finger on Helen's palm while she was giving Helen a doll as a gift. Helen didn't understand at first because she didn't know every object have its own name. But in the next month, when Anne spelled 'w-a-t-e-r' on Helen's palm which was under running cold water, Helen came to realize the concept of 'water' and symbolize it into a word. Since then, Helen exhausted Anne asking the name of every object around her. Through this process, Helen got the insight and lots of knowledge to the world. This story people thought it impossible to happen made Helen Keller a world-famous speaker and author. She had her own political point of view and was a political activist which affected good to many poor people arount the world. She was a suffragist and pacifist as well as an advocate for people with disabilities. In 1915, Helen Keller founded the 'Helen Keller International (HKI) organization which researched vision, health, and nutrition. Also she helped to found the 'American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in 1920. Helen traveled to over 39 countries with Anne, and met every U.S. president. She also was a good writer, too. She wrote a total of 12 published books and several articles. As an author, she gave a marvelous influence on AFB(American Foundation for the Blind) and people all around the world. To lots of disabled people, She became a role model and to other people, she taught all humans were noble and it is the problem of attitude not of physical state that preventing us from overcoming disability. Her courage that no ordinary one could ever show, made people's mind more widely opened and gave disabled people lots of possibilities and different approaches to disability. "If, by some miracle, I were granted three seeing days," Helen Keller wrote in her essay 'Three days to see,' that what she wished for to see. Those were all things that we think too natural such as seeing people around us and small simple things at home and seeing how night is transformed into day or going to museums and theatres. She said her mind would be so overcrowded with glorious memories that she should have little time for regrets, that she would return to darkness with gratitude and love in her mind. Even these days, her writing is making a big wave in people's mind. In 1999, Helen Keller was listed in Gallup's Most Widely Admired People of the 20th Century. There are even streets named after Helen Keller in Getafe, Spain and Lod, Israel. I think these show us how big her influence was all over the world. |
Monday, April 25, 2011
unit3-p.86 Leeyeonyoung
Lessons from Warren Edward Buffett
Last month, the world’s most successful investor and one of the richest man visited Daegu, in Korea. His name is Warren Edward Buffett, Chief Executive Officer of Berkshire Hathaway. He is consistently ranked among the world’s wealthiest people and he is now the third wealthiest person in the world. How could he become such a powerful figure? In a recent interview, he answered this question into three parts; person, business, and society. Let’s examine the factors lead him to make money one by one.
First, make your own way. If you want to enhance your value, you should not follow behind crown. Just do what you believe. For example, in 1990’s, IT stock prices spiked with IT boom, Warren Buffett never invested IT because he was not familiar with it and did not believe it. That is the reason he was doing well after IT bubble broke.
Second, invest business leadership. When you invest business, you should pay attention to leadership. Warren Buffett understands the business as a whole such as CEO’s propensity, aims, or financial policy, and analyzes growth potential. He never makes an investment just for type of it or fame. That seems the reason he make an investment in Posco, not Samsung.
Finally, build supportive society. Warren Buffett said that if he was not born in America, he could not make money. Even If he had a belief and he had sharp understanding about stock market, it would be difficult to be one of the richest men in the world if he was born in Haiti. Therefore, it is essential to make society supportive enough to optimize your ability.
In short, if you want to make money, you should think about the value of person, business, and society. Keep going your way as you believe, invest potential based on sharp understanding, and nurture supportive society. With patience and perseverance, your dreams eventually come true.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Chapter 3- the cause and effect
The Black Death 201000955 Hannah Kim
There is an epidemic disease called plague. There is also a very famous historical event 'the black death', related to this notorious disease. This event affected numerous people and also the societies of Europe. Almost 50 percent of people in Europe died because of this disease and also at the end led to the abolition of social status.
To talk about the diases plague itself, there are various kinds and for the black death, 3 kinds of plagues were mixed together. These three kinds were Bubonic Plague, Pneumonic Plague, and Septiuemic Plague and all of these had different symptoms. The Bobonic Plague was spread by fleas living on bodies of infected rats. People felt flu-like symptoms when they have this plague. The mortality rate was around 75% and most people died within seventy-two hours. The next plague, the Pneumonic Plague caused the lungs to fill up with fluid. Because of this, patients infected this disease cough a lot and spit blood. Its mortality rate was 90% to 95%. Most people died within forty-eight hours. Lastly, the Septiuemic Plague attacked the blood causing blood to clot in veins. The mortality rate was about 100% and people often died within twenty-four hours. This notorious disease took place where there is not sanitary and spread by water and air.
Around 1320, this plague was started to spread and it blanked all over the Europe, including England, France, Germany and so on. The major reason of the spread was terrible sanitation. In this medieval period, in towns, many people owned pigs and they let the pigs go out and roam the road. Therefore, the whole city became really dirty. In addition, the water was also polluted because the river where the water came from were all used for industrial purposes and polluted. The classes that were struck by this plague the most were plebeians and slaves. According to one research, it is considered that the population of one city decreased by 1/3. This event brought enormous effects both to individuals and societies. First, the price of crops increased dramatically because there were lack of people who can culture crops. Although not so many noble people were infected, the farmers died dramatically, therefore there were a lot of farm lands that no one took care of. This, at the end, let to abolition of the social class because the right of farmers got higher and higher.
In conclusion, you can see major two effects that the notorious disease, the black plague brought to Europe nations. Because of this fatal disease which were cause because of bad sanitary conditions, there were very few farmers who were alive and raised their crops and as a result, the price of crop increased dramatically. And because of this, the right of them raised and the social class was bolished.
Unit 3-2, Sunghee Park
200801224 DIS
Park, Sunghee
The Great Depression
In the late 2008, Lehman Brothers, the fourth largest investment bank in the U.S., collapsed and it was the largest bankruptcy in the U.S. history. The incident was the beginning of the Global financial crisis because the crisis had huge impacts not only on U.S. economy but on the world economy. The domino effect was enormous. As a result, the stock market and housing market slumped a lot and many people lost their job. Some experts say it is as if the Great Depression happened again. If so, what can we learn from the past crisis? I believe we can find some wisdom by looking at causes of the Great Depression. The Great Depression was caused by imbalance of demand and supply, government policy, and strong connection of the world economy.
First, imbalance of demand and supply triggered the Great Depression. In 1920’s, effective method of production was implemented in the U.S. production line because the U.S. invented the way of production as they made military supplies during the World War Ⅰ. Adoption of new method made the supply over the demand. It was a kind of revolution because the supply was always under the demand in the past. The revolution seemed nice but excess supply brought a problem. It was that there is no one who buys the extra productions. Due to the huge surplus, a lot of companies lost their profits and it was the beginning of the Great Depression.
Second, government economic policy brought the Great Depression. At that time, Classical economy was a prevailing idea. Especially, Adam Smith’s invisible hand theory was adapted to government policy. The theory believes that market can self-regulate and allocate resources without government regulation. That’s why the government did not take any actions when there happened imbalance of supply and demand. However, government should have reallocated the supply and demand. The wrong policy finally made imbalance of supply and demand the Great depression though it could be just incident if government took right actions.
Lastly, strong connection between U.S. economy and the world economy led to the Great Depression. In 1920’s, European economy was suffered from the World War Ⅰ. Because of the aftereffect, European economy highly relied on the U.S. aid. In addition, Asian countries was undeveloped at all because most of them just became independent after the World War Ⅰ. For that reason, Asian economy also needed the U.S. help. As the U.S. economy had problems, however, both European economy and Asian economy took direct hit. The effect spread to the whole world and this was the Great Depression.
Cause and effect of Hurricane Katrina(200700121)
One of the most devastating disasters in America history, Hurricane Katrina by Ko, Yoonjin 200700121
You must have heard about Hurricane Katrina before which was happened in six years ago. Hurricane Katrina was a devastating category 4 hurricanes, that hit the Gulf of Mexico and various Southern regions of the United States at the end of August, 2005, causing some of the worst damage in American history, estimated at $100 billion. I found some numbers to show its disastrous impact on New Orleans from the BBC.
America, the leading country of all countries around the world, couldn't deal with Hurricane Katrina swiftly and suffered from a huge amount of losses. What were the causes of this disaster and the aftermath of the hurricane? To find out the causes of the hurricane, let's think about why New Orleans is so vulnerable? New Orleans is sandwiched between Lake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi River, most of the city is located below sea level. Therefore, once a flood would submerge, New Orleans is underwater. Marshes, fresh and saltwater swamps of mud and diverse plant life, divide New Orleans from the Gulf of Mexico, but in some places, the gulf has receded 32 to 48 kilometers closer to New Orleans. So when the Hurricane Katrina came to the Gulf of Mexico, New Orleans was very much easy target for it. Then what happened in the aftermath of the hurricane? There was looting of shops, because people had no food or water for many days, violence was everywhere. The media jumped on showing pictures of black people running riot, giving the impression that this is how black people are when there are no laws and when the system breaks down. Also, there were even claims of rape of babies, though this was never verified. Police and military at one point were even allowed to shoot if people were caught looting. However, most of "looting" was clearly for survival (food, water, shelter), people were allowed to continue. There were so many poor people lived in New Orleans, mostly black people. So that was why media and political commentators also commented like perhaps if there were so many white people in such a situation, maybe the social situation would never have deteriorated so much. However, what I thought terrible was the rich were able to flee, but the poor, most typically black people, were unable to do so but suffered the worst of the hurricane's destructive power in the world's richest and most powerful country. New Orleans is still on its way to recover from Hurricane Katrina. Thanks for all the efforts that volunteers from all around the world and its citizen have put, New Orleans is recovering most of its external losses and the number of foreign visitors is gradually increasing again. According to the local authority's statistic, city's total outcome, compared to the one five years ago, increased $9 billion and its population reached to 354,850 people which are about 80% from its usual number.
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Universal Tips for a Happy Life, Haejin Lee
The Universal Tips for a Happy Life
Haejin Lee Unit5
Everybody wants to be happy. If there is any difference between the truth and a fact, that statement is clearly both the truth and a fact. The pursuit of happiness can be so intense that sometimes it leads a trend. We are so focused on "being happy" that we sometimes try too hard. We study it, preach it, and publish it. But happiness is not a trend. It is a state, a condition, a way of life. And some happy people tell us happiness can be simpler than we thought. Here are some tips worth your attention.
Keep close relationships. People who have a good relationship with their families and friends are more likely to be happy. When you have a close tie with your family and friends, and when you are more involved, you become emotionally stable. You get the support you need when you are going through hardship. And healthy relationships can serve as a focus to channel your energy in a positive, healthy way. By participating in activities and sharing emotions, you build quality relationships that support you and keep you emotionally healthy.
Stay physically healthy. Keeping up with your physical health also has a lot to do with being happy. You don't necessarily need to be perfectly fit, and it doesn't matter if you were born with certain disabilities. Trying to stay physically healthy as much as possible helps you concentrate on your abilities. Working out or participating in a sports activity keeps you distracted from the disheartening ideas, and gives you a sense of achievement. It also helps you plan further ahead with an optimistic viewpoint, as it is easier to plan for the future when you are in a healthy state.
Find meaning. People feel lost when they think their lives are meaningless. You need a goal, or at the least a motive that keeps you going. Prioritize the aspects of your life and keep yourself reminded of what you already have. If you are oriented, or, if you have meaning in life, you are more likely to have the strength to bounce back or start over. For people with purpose or meaning in life, the challenges life throws at you will not keep you down; rather, they can later turn out to be an exciting page of your life
There are millions of advices out there that point to "a happy life." But a happy life itself is the way you live it rather than a goal in itself. Having a close relationship with the ones you care, staying physically healthy, and having purpose or meaning in life is a few things you can remember to keep your spirit high. After all, life is full of good days and bad days, and you never know which will turn out to be more fruitful for yourself. Setting straight your priorities in life and your attitude will assure a safe journey no matter how fast your life runs, or where your track leads you.
Week 5, Sunghee Park
Intermediate English Writing (1) Monday 7-8
200801224 DIS
Park, Sunghee
The Causes of Happiness
Last Thursday (April 7), a Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) student suicide and the death was already the fourth this year in KAIST known as one of the most prestigious schools in Korea. In what reason did the student kill himself even though most Koreans describe KAIST students as winner? What made him less satisfied with his life and choose the hopeless option? Similarly, there are a lot of contradictory cases such as the suicide of the rich or the authority who are considered as one of the happiest men. On the contrary, we can easily find that people who described as loser do not give up their hope and live day by day. What encouraged them to live? I believe people can be happy when they have a person who can talk with, get recognition from society, and have a new achievement.
First, supporters make people happy. People are social animal. People need another person who can talk and share their experiences with. Two weeks ago, I failed to get an internship that I want to work for. I was depressed and it was as if I was rejected by society. I spent many time worrying my future and I kept thinking I might not be prepared yet. As the concerns got deeper, I was getting down in the dumps. At that time, my father started to talk about his stories. He talked about his failures and success, and we had small talk. After the talk, my feeling got better and I felt happy to have my supporter. Other than family members, friends can be good supporters, too. When I chatted with them, I am relaxed and happy because I can share my happiness and sadness with them, and they are my supporters who I can rely on.
Second, recognition from others makes people happy. Generally, people want to be a part of society. Of course, it would be great if the part is really necessary one. People want to check their beings as they get recognition. For example, if a student won a prize, he will be satisfied because he proved he is good at something and it will help the society. The suicide from KAIST can be explained to somewhat degree. KAIST students must be received a lot of praises before they entered KAIST. However, there are so many smart students in KAIST and they did not get recognition as much as they received before. It might hurt their feelings and make them depressed. Maybe, people are susceptible to praise and they never forget the feeling of happiness when they won praise.
Finally, people can be happy when they have a goal and achieved it. People like to have a new one. Especially people become happy when they get what they want. Simply, it can be an economic achievement such as shopping. Girls often set their goal to get a luxury item. If she buys it, she will be happy. Similarly, a CEO is happy when he attained his profit goal. Educational achievement also makes people happy because intellectual curiosity can be satisfied with knowledge. Like this, people always pursue achievement and that is why the rich often killed by himself. Since people want to have more and more forever, even the rich cannot be happy unless he has achievement.
What makes people happy? This is really tricky question but I believe supporter, recognition, and achievement make people be satisfied with their life. The suicide rate is getting higher. Let’s become someone’s true supporter. Let’s praise each other. Let’s help someone to get a new achievement. It’s time to act to people around you. The actions will seem humble, so prosperous will its result be.Sunday, April 10, 2011
unit3-p.75 Leeyeonyoung
First of all, I could find happiness because there were friends and professors who I like. Various students over the country gathered together in Yanggu and spent the summer vacation there. Though I have never seen most of them before and have had very different kinds of backgrounds, we could be friends without difficulty. Because I liked the time we were together, I used to drink alcohols with talking until midnight, sometimes even morning but I could not notice that time goes.
Second, having something to do each day helped me find happiness. Strange to say, I could find happiness for the fact that there was certain task for each day because I felt it was like a piece of the puzzle in a big picture. I cut the wood, made the wall and painted the house during the vacation. It could be tough physically but when I concentrated on the daily task and enjoyed it, I could find happiness that simplicity of life can bring.
Finally, unexpectedness could be another chance to find happiness. When we do the daily work, lots of unexpected events happen. One day, I was walking along the riverside with a professor and a friend after dinner. We were talking about something or another, then the professor suggested a game, imitating person who we would meet first from now. Just in time, a person who was jogging came toward us, so we started to run like him. Suddenly it began to rain and we run in the rain. It may seem crazy but running in the rain gave us a big smile and became the unforgettable memory.
Meeting people, enjoying daily works and encountering unexpected events during the summer volunteer works gave me happy memories. However, I believe it is not the unique thing only can be found in the far-flung country but the ordinary thing that can happen wherever. Therefore, I will try to go to meet the people, enjoy daily works and expect encountering unexpected events lest I may put off the happiness.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Week5, Pg. 75, Yooran Kim : Tips to be happiness
Tips that lead to happiness 200903992 Yooran Kim Another person committed suicide today. He was the CEO of a big company. He had a family. He had a highly educated background. He had a fortune everyone would envy. But he killed himself. Why? Among many reasons, experts guessed that he was under lots of stress and pressure. As a result, he wasn't happy at all. The scary thing is that there are so many people who are not happy and they are killing themselves. The suicide rate of Korea is number one of OECD countries. The leading cause of death in 20s and 30s is a suicide. Why are there so many unhappy people? What should they buy to be happy? What should they do to be happy? As a happy person I am, and as a person who had tried to commit suicide once, I will give you a tip of the happiness. It is really easy. You don't have to be rich because you don't have to buy anything expensive to be happy. What I recommend you is to have a positive mind. Always be grateful and enjoy that you are breathing now. Human beings tend to forget what they already have and what they can do. In my case, I can breathe. I can move my body well, and I can use all of my ten fingers and ten toes.(no offense!) I remember how painful it was when I couldn't breathe well in swimming pool and when I broke my left leg. Also, You can remember some events that you were lucky. Two years ago, I was sleeping lying on side on the floor next to my bed. I put my Macintosh on the edge of a bed, and just fell into sleep on the floor. At 3 a.m. I woke up being frightened at the weird feeling of some heavy breeze brushing my eye. When I opened my eyes in a second of lifting my body, I found that the big black square monitor fell down and the one corner of the computer chopped the keyboard to be broken. The three buttons that cracked were less than an inch away from my left eye. I was relieved but got gooseflesh imagining the other case I was an inch closer. Still I'm using that keyboard. My dad taped them. I try to think the heaven helped me to live second life. Then no matter what happens, I become grateful because I can see with my two beautiful eyes. Of course, I don't put my computer on the bed anymore. The first tip I said above is very useful in most cases. Actually it's enough to know only first tip. But if you can't be satisfied with only one, if you think that you have everything but can's see no future, here is a second tip. The second tip is to think that you are here from the future. Huh? Does this sound weird? No, it's not. I'm telling you the secret nobody knows. I know your secret. Haven't you ever wished to the heaven that you want to go back to the past? That's right. The heaven sent you back to the past. You are now in the past you wished. Of course you don't remember the future you came from. That's cheating to remember what happened in the future. At least, you got your second chance to change your future again. It really helped me when I was so frustrated with everything. I thought there is nothing left to me when I was 24. I thought I didn't have anyone who loves me and there's no future for me. I thought I was born to go through this short but severe life. Before I decide to commit suicide, I tried to remember every second I've been through since I was young. There were many happy memories and many sad memories. What if I had killed myself when I was 15? What if I had killed myself when I failed entrance exam? Could I meet my first love in college? Could I meet my best friend now? Could I listen to this beautiful music? Could I know that actually those were just good fertilizer for me to be more healthy and strong? I have wished to the heaven to please send me back to the past. Maybe this is the chance. Maybe my wish already came true. What if I have committed suicide already, but the heaven sent me back to the earth at this second before I kill myself? I cannot make same mistake. Maybe there is some future I would regret if I can't see it. At that time, I stopped crying and killing myself. I don't regret that decision. I never did. Actually there are many ways to be happy except two I mentioned above. Most of all, the important thing is your mind. Socrates had said 'know yourself.' Yes, it is important to know that you are enough to be happy. It's not really appropriate, but it helps to compare you and the other poor people. I'm not talking about money. Even people in the poor country think they are happy. I'm talking about conditions. When my grandmother and uncle passed away last year, it was the saddest year in my life. When I walked to the grave yard holding their bone powder pot, I felt guilty because I could breathe and I could feel this warm sunlight, and I could see beautiful flowers and trees in mountain. I felt how precious and beautiful it is to be living. Everyone goes through some hardship on the road of life. There's no fun without trouble, and that's the reason we are living this life. I hope everyone to be happy living here. We all are born to love and to be loved. |
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Week5, Pg. 58, Yooran Kim : How laws are made
How laws are made 200903992 Yooran Kim There is a saying that 'all men are equal before the law.' We establish a law. We observe the law. We are protected in the law. Everyone knows that we are living in the law. But does anyone know how are the laws made? There are four important steps to make an effective law. The first process is introducing a bill. Anyone, any group, or any party can introduce a bill. The formal name of this bill is 'a draft of a law.' If government or a member of National Assembly presents a bill to the National Assembly, the chairman of the National Assembly refers this bill to the Legislation and Judiciary Committee. Officials in the Legislation and Judiciary Committee examine the proposal thoroughly. They amend and revise the proposal if necessary, and go to a division. Next, if the bill comes to the National Assembly Standing Committee, it is put to a vote. The bill can be passed if it gains a majority vote, but can be failed if it doesn't. The bill passed by majority is submitted to the Assembly plenary session. Sometimes there's an occasion that circumstance doesn't allow the bill to go through the National Assembly Standing Committee. Then, the chairman of the National Assembly can bring in the bill right to the Assembly plenary session. It is called 'Authority Introduction.' This bill is decided by majority ayes and majority attendance by vote. The chairman carries this to the Korean president. Third, if the president signs a bill, the bill takes effect. But if the president doesn't sign and exercises veto, the bill is sent back to the National Assembly. Here is a funny thing. If the National Assembly passes the bill again which was sent back by president, the president can not exercise veto again, and the bill comes into force without reference to agreement of the president. Finally, the bill is confirmed. If it is proclaimed, it should be within 15 days. Nevertheless, it becomes effective. So far, we have reviewed all the process of making law. It sounds pretty simple. However, it can take a long time till it becomes effective. There can be so many people or groups who are against a bill, and law gives enough time (few weeks) in each process for people or group to protest and be ready to make opposite opinion. Also, if there are many things to be amended, your bill can take really long time to go even near the National Assembly Standing committee. It is important to observe the law. But as long as the law are made by us, people, it is also important to know how laws are made and what we can do to make a better law for us. |
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Unit3, exercise 7- the causes of happiness
201000955 Hannah Kim
It is what I always want to have but at the same time one of the most difficult things to define and explain- happiness. Happiness is the feeling that people have when they satisfy or achieve all the desires they want. Of course, the cause or reason that people feel happy is all different and it can be everything; from the success in their work to being loved by someone. In my case, thinking of the causes of happiness, I come up with these three things. The environment that all the people can be sincere and frank, getting the feeling of being loved and living without gaps among neighbors.
I believe mental state stands before physical state- all the material things around us, including money. Therefore, what I want to point out as the first thing that makes people feel happy is being able to act and say everything they want. In my point of view, people tend to live with the sense of emptiness when they have to hide their original feeling and thinking. I think the environments or moods that let people say sincerely and frankly just what they have in their mind give them fundamental satisfactory. We can find this disposition, desiring to say directly what they want and to be understood, by this everyone's earnest wish- having an authentic, true friend. The feeling of being trusted and having someone to rely upon gives us a good energy to overcome our hardship in our lives and happiness.
Also, there is one more feeling that I believe as the cause of happiness- feeling of being love. I believe there are no better feelings that people have than this. It is an instinct for human beings- being loved. We feel gratification when we know someone loves us truly. It makes us feel everything around us beautiful. When we are loved by others, it gives us also a great motivation achieving something because we know there is someone who would watch over us. It can give us a true satisfactory- from deep in our heart. Then, it can give us overwhelming happiness.
Although this factor is almost not feasible, no gap between the wealthy and the poor is also what can make people happy. It is not the objective fact how much they have that makes people frustrated or unhappy. Rather, comparing to other people around them is what makes people think miserable and sad. For example, people live in Bangladesh are found as one of the happiest people in the world. However, their income is surprisingly, one of the lowest. Researchers suggest that the reason of this phenomenon is because of the small gap between the wealthy and the poor. Thus, it can be concluded that it is the gap, or relative poverty that make people unhappy. To sum up, the cause of happiness can vary from people to people. This is so subjective concept that it is one of the most difficult things to define, in my point of view. However, during my life, these three were the best things that are thought to make people feel happy. Whenever I had someone to talk frankly and feeling that I am loved by someone, I could not be happier. I got energy and strength to achieve something and go through difficulties. In addition, people always tend to compare each other and desire to have more and be better person than others. Therefore, when there are large gap in living, there cannot be much happiness. They would always try to compete and struggle to get more. Thus, people would feel more comfortable and satisfied when there are no gaps among them.
What makes people happy? (200700121)
By Ko Yoon Jin 200700121
It was just another common Friday afternoon. I had two classes, so it was obvious that I was a little bit tired. When I went to the school library to start my daily assignments as my usual routine, I found an Angel-in-us-Coffee which I love. I thought it was for my friend who I'm sharing my cabinet with. However, it was just for me. My friend left it inside to make me surprise! There was a short message from him, and it said that "Thank you for sharing your cabinet with me. I always wanted to do this kind of thing before. (Laugh) You said that I should use our cabinet neatly and now see your stuff? That's Ok. Study hard!" It made me very happy at that moment. Even though the bottle of coffee is not an expensive present or even very fancy thing to be called as a present, it certainly made me so happy because I could feel his care and warm affection, of course as a friend. So, what makes people happy? What makes me so happy? I found my answers from this happening.
Surprise makes people happy. Life is wonderful with full of surprise: surprise news, surprise party, surprise event, etc. If there is no surprise in our life and if it's always same, it would be stressfully boring. If you are not feeling happy these days, I strongly suggest making yourself adventure to encounter with surprise such as meeting someone new, visiting new place, or joining some extracurricular activities. Every new activity you do would bring surprise in your life and that could lead you to be happier.
Present makes people happy. I love presents and everybody does. We all love it because it gives us happiness. But, to be happy, you don't have to wait for somebody to give you a present. You can give a small present to yourself. For me, I do give myself something when I want to encourage myself and it certainly brighten me a lot. The present doesn't have to be an expensive or nice shoe at all-even though I shop to give myself something. I love chocolates or short cakes. It's sweet, so sweet. When I taste the sweetness, I feel very happy. It's my easy, cheap and quick way to make myself happy.
Interest makes people happy. What I mean interest is toward other people. Be curious to your friends and family: what they are doing or how they have been. It would certainly build strong and long lasting relationship that you must feel good about. Not only for yourself, this way, you could make other people around you happy. Your people's happiness is the matter you to be happy. With your genially interest, ask some questions or poke somebody to laugh. We are now living in a very busy society and people's interest is quickly changing. Everybody has their own work to do and burden to carry out, so sometimes we miss important dates of others such as their birthday or wedding anniversary. Even though it's hard to keep up every events or happenings of others because we, ourselves, are busy as hell, but these are the things we should care and have interest.
I saw a Youtube video a few days ago. It was about Muenshakai which means that a society with no personal connection in Japanese. Many people are losing their connection or affection toward others in their old age and they are dying alone. Over 32,000 people are dying without any identification because they live alone and do not keep in touch with people around them. Therefore, after they died, nobody could tell who he/she was or why he/she is dead. This is an extreme example but we might become like those old people in Japan if we don't care about others. Others' happiness is our happiness as well. It's all connected. So, my opinion is that make yourself with surprise adventure and present and simultaneously make people around you happy with great concern and warm affection. This is the idea I came up with to make everyone happy. Thank you for reading my long essay.
Unit 3 Pg.75 (201003252)
Exercise to Live a Happier Life
Happiness is the quality or state of being happy, and it is what most people want to achieve in their lives. To be in a continuous state of happiness is a challenge, because happiness occurs when a person is triggered by different reasons such as success, marriage, work achievement, career positions, a neat home environment, and possessions. What all of these reasons have in common is that a sense of accomplishment and or achievement causes a person to be happy. Now, it would be a profound experience if everyone can remain in the state of being happy, but unfortunately the feeling of "happiness" diminishes overtime. When a person has a regular exercise regimen, it can help trigger happiness throughout their daily life and help improve in the areas of health, relationships, and life challenges.
Vigorous regular exercise tones the body and metabolism that regulates stress hormones which promotes the release of endorphins. Getting regular excursive can help a person to fight stress thus improving the overall health. Many people think that being unhealthy refers to having a diagnosis of an illness, but having chronic migraines, dizziness, and shortness of breath can also define a person as being unhealthy. All of these symptoms can be relived through regular exercise and promote a person to become more content.
As mentioned earlier, exercise which releases endorphins can cause a person to become happy. This can help people find happiness in social and personal relationships. People like to be around happy people, and want to engage in relationships with happier people as well. IT is most attracting to know a person who has a positive outlook on life rather than someone who is pessimistic.
Finally, having a regular exercise regimen which causes people to become happier will help them face challenges in life more rationally than people who are not content in their lives. Also, give a person a clear mind to cope with unexpected difficult situations. Even in an abrupt situation people who are healthier and happier can deal with the problems in a calm and focused manner. In contrast, unhealthy and less happy people may panic and act in an impulsive manner which can lead to bad choices.
In conclusion, it is a sure bet to incorporate an exercise regimen in a person's life for it produces happiness. A happiness that can help improve in health, relationship, and the ability to handle difficult situations in life. If we all made an effort to exercise regularly we can see great changes in our lives which will ultimately make us happier.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Unit 2. p58 How I would prepare for a part in a play
How I would prepare for a part in a play Yoonjin, Ko 200700121
I'm going to explain how I would prepare for a part in a play briefly. It's not very common to take a part in a play, but if we could count common presentation chances in classes, you are always doing your part in your presentation play. I think it's not that different between presentations and plays. You take roles in presentation as a good public speaker just like the role in a play. Following is my simplest suggestions which I'm using always to prepare for my part in a presentation play.
Organizing my role in a play is the first step to be done. You should always know what you are going to speak in public. To do this, a lot of researches should be completed before you organize your presentation and if it is an actual play such as musical or whatever, you should always understand what the character is doing its role in that play. The purpose of your existence in a play is the thing you should consider when you organize your role. If it's a presentation in one of your class, you should classify that why you are going to present and if it's a musical or a play, you should know why your character is there in a play.
Next, preparing every substitute for your play is what you need. If it's a presentation, you should try to prepare a nicely organized, interesting power point. Other that the basic power point, you could make your own key note cards as well, and proper suit or dress maybe, neat hair style which you could do your best. If it's a play, you could memorize all the scripts or lines you have, and bring your props to use in play something like that. You should check everything before you go because if something is missed out, it would make you feel very uncomfortable and unprepared.
Now you prepared for your presentation or play just like everybody does. You made or brought every little substitute for your role to be succeeded; now it's time to prepare in front of others. Alone in your room practice is not useful, but if you preferred this way, I suggest to record your own voice and at least practice while you stand up. It's very important to practice in front of others. Have you ever record or videotaped your presentation or play? Even though the camera lenses cannot criticize your voice or make comments, it would make you a lot harder to practice your lines.
Practice is never enough, but if you feel like you've prepared quite well for your presentation of play, finally I can suggest you just one more thing to do. Just do it. You would be never satisfied in your practice and you would always feel like you are not prepared or not very organized at all. But that's what everyone has to go through. Nobody could be perfect. You can make some mistakes or forget some of your prepared lines or even mess up everything, but that's what should accept because it's the reality. So don't afraid to make any mistakes. Just do it. You are always prepared if you followed these simplest ways to prepare for your role.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
HW 4 , Sunghee PARK
200801224 DIS
Park, Sunghee
Volcano Eruption
Last Tuesday, a special conference concerning volcano eruption was held with experts from South and North Korea. A topic of the conference was 'Possibility of Volcano Eruption in Mt. Baek-Du, N.K.' and it was held due to the request from North Korean government. According to the recent news, there were some signs indicating volcano eruption in Mt. Baek-Du such as a rise of the ground and geothermal heat. It means that a volcano eruption becomes more real than ever. What makes volcano erupt? What is the process of volcano eruption? To understand indicators happened in Mt. Baek-Du, these questions would be helpful.
First of all, there are two conditions for volcano eruption: weak surface of the earth and magma. The most well-known weak surface is the place bumping two (or more) plates each other. Since there is a big crack, it is much easier for magma to burst outside the surface. Mt. Everest is a good example because the mountain rose (still, rising) as Indo-Australian plate bumped into Eurasian plate. Besides, there are naturally weak crusts without the plate activity. This is because there are some powers stretching and loosing the plates like contraction and relaxation of muscles. The next condition is magma. Magma is created because of inner energy of the earth and friction between plates. It is hot liquid with gases. The longer and more magma are under the surface, the more possibility of volcano eruption can be.
If there is a place with weak crust and magma, magma will be lifted along the crack. The reason why magma rises is that the liquid is much lighter than the ground. In the process, the ground presses magma not to rise anymore, and the pressure makes the liquid have gas bubbles. You can imagine a coke bottle after you shake the bottle. As the coke hit the bottle and lid, coke will make bubbles. While gas bubbles are created under the surface, there appear some indicators warning volcano eruption. There can be frequent earthquakes and some waterholes are boiling. Sometimes, smoke comes out of the ground.
As more and more gas bubbles hit the weak surface of the planet, there comes the time that the crust cannot withstand. With a huge sound of eruption, the volcano will eventually burst. Rocks and ashes will be thrown into the sky and lava will flow and cover the land. It is as if the coke bursts with the soda and gas when you open the lid after shaking the bottle. The volcanic activity will gradually stop when all gases and bubbles escape out of the surface. The time will vary depending on the status of volcanoes. That is why the volcanoes are classified into three types; an active volcano, a dormant volcano, and an extinct volcano.
Currently, the movement of Mt. Baek-Du is unusual. There are many news covering extraordinary signs around the mountain. Researchers found that there was a rise on the ground and some trees and plants withered due to the geothermal heat. Also, there are about every 250 earthquakes a month after 2006. Some experts predict there will be big eruption in five years. Even though Mt. Baek-Du is located in North Korea, it can affect our life a lot. We need to inspect the status and prepare what we can do before the disaster.
Unit2.p.58 Leeyeonyoung
Long long time ago, when we believed that a scary god live with us, we thought natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as the wrath of God. We thought there is some meaning behind the disasters and naturally the king or government was blamed for it. Today, however, even if mt. Baekdu erupts, there would be no one who blames MB administration rationally at least. Instead, most people are likely to believe explanation of the natural science. But for some people who are still doubtful, let me explain what makes a volcano erupt.
First, volcanic eruption starts from Magma. Magma is a liquid substance including volcanic gas and it is made when rock under the ground is melted by temperature or pressure changes. It mainly occurs between earth’s crust and the upper mantle. While the solid rock is melted and changed into liquid and gas, the volume is also expanded.
Next, surrounding rocks are pushed hard by Magma as the volume is expanded. Magma keeps pushing them for a quite long time and Magma moves to the surface of the earth slowly. It may happen on certain place, the plate boundaries and hot spots.
Finally, as time goes by the force of Magma to push the rock become bigger than the force of surface to push the Magma. Then, it cannot stay under the ground anymore and eventually erupts.
Recently volcanic eruptions are growing in the world. With them, fear for safety is also growing. As you can see, however, it is not the wrath of god. In addition, we can neither predict nor prevent eruptions. So it may be the wisest way for us to make it count and just live today.
How to Make a Volcano Erupt (Haejin Lee, Page 58, Assignment 4)
First, under the surface of the earth, solid rocks and stones melt when they are heated underground over a long period of time. They become sticky liquid called lava. Then, lava forms a river just as streams meet to form a river. The river or lava is called a lava chamber. Next, the lava chamber lets out gas and pushes upwards, to rise above the crust of the earth. This is because the lava is lighter in density than the crust. That tendency of rising above the earth's surface creates pressure underneath the crust.
Finally, when the lava chamber flows to meet a crack in the earth's surface, it seeps through the opening. But in some cases, the lava is kept underneath the crust until the pressure builds up so that the crust cannot hold the lava chamber in. Then you have a volcanic eruption. The main factor in high pressure is water. The lava chamber emits normally emits gas which leads to an explosion. And the water acts as the activator, triggering the gas emission to be more explosive with higher pressure. This is when we have violant volcanic eruptions.
When a volcano erupts not only lava, but ash, cinder, and rocks are shot out of the ground's opening because gas explodes and pushes them upwards. The scale of the explosion may vary as well as the amount of substances resulted in the eruption. These substances - ash, cinder, and rocks - along with lava can pile up to form a hill or even a mountain. There are plenty of examples of these volcanos around the world from Baekdu Mountain in Korea to the infamous volcano of St. Helena, to volcanos in Hawaii islands.
Volcanoes still have much left to study, mainly because of its dangerous settings. However, the main principals behind a volcanic eruption are mostly linked to the basic rules of science. Solids under the crust of the Earth are molten into lava; then lava forms a lava chamber; lava chambers emit gas which causes lava to come upwards through the surface, and water added to lava will cause explosions that leads to big eruptions mankind has witnessed in numerous cases throughout history.